Market Update – May 2020

May 26, 2020
Market Update – May 2020



  • Shutdowns, isolation, and social distancing measures have had a profound impact on consumer-facing sectors and have resulted in large spikes in unemployment.

  • Central banks around the world have embarked on unprecedented emergency lending and bond buying programs to combat the economic effects of the coronavirus.

  • The Bank of England forecasts UK GDP to contract by 14% in 2020, driven by a 25% decline in the June quarter, to be followed by a rapid recovery.

  • The Reserve Bank of Australia kept rates on hold at 0.25% at its May meeting and continued targeting the 3-year government bond yield at the same rate.

  • Growth in new coronavirus cases in Australia slowed significantly in April, although a second wave of infections could eventuate if restrictions are eased too quickly.

If you have any questions regarding this report or would like to discuss your portfolio, please contact me directly on |PHONE|

Read full May 2020 market update report  >>

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